When you get the "Unable to Access Microphone or
Camera" on an iPad please follow these instructions.
On your iPad locate "Settings" icon and tap on it (Circled)
After finding 'Settings' browse down to blocked Blue rectangle titled 'Safari'.
Scroll to the lower half and tap 'Safari'.
Safari will turn 'blue" when tapped on with the dialog to the right panel showing "Safari" at the top ('blue rectangle). Next scroll down the right side of the screen until you see 'Camera' and 'Microphone'.
Scroll down to "Camera" and "Microphone".
Menu where "Camera" and "Microphone
To enable these do the following. Tap on the 'Camera' first. After opening, change the arrow for 'Camera' from 'Deny' to 'Ask' by clicking on the 'Ask' area.
The blue arrow should now indicate 'Ask'.
Tap the '< Safari' on the upper left to go back to the 'Safari' settings page.
Do the same for 'Microphone'.
We are almost through.
The final steps are to go back to the Swivel link that was sent to you and click on the link, or to the window in Browser window that we started from that says "Unable to Access Microphone or Camera."
If the URL is refreshed the "Join Your Meeting" page will come up where you can fill in your name in "Display Name" slot.
One of the last steps is to click "Continue" and you will be presented with the option to "Cancel" or "Allow" for access to the 'Camera' and Microphone'. Tap on "Allow".
Press 'Allow' to give access to 'Microphone' and 'Camera'.
Before you enter the waiting room you should adjust the settings as needed. Once you have done this tap on ----> 'Start '.
You will now be entered into the waiting room. Thanks for your
patience. The host will soon let you in. You will have great community with Swivel.
Happy Swiveling.
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